A car mat re-designed to work as a portable ramp for disabled drivers.

For a long time, Ford's brand strategy was based on the idea of promoting mobility and helping people move freely. The Accessibility Mat came to transform these beliefs into a tangible piece. A piece that helps people move freely, even when they are outside of the car.

The Accessibility Mat is a car mat redesigned to work as a portable accessibility tool for disabled drivers.
The driver just needs to get the Mat in the trunk, fold it, put in the back of their wheelchair, and use it whenever they need to.

The Mat also has sensors and a microprocessor that sends Bluetooth signals to the wheelchair user’s mobile phone and an app with a map point the exact place it was used. That way we could create a precious databank to be shared with local authorities in order to help build accessible cities.

The trunk mat was chosen because of its shape and the Ecosport was chosen because it is the best-selling Ford vehicle for disabled drivers.